I also have some hidden agenda behind writing this blog(which is not hidden anymore if you read next two lines)
1. Should youngsters and educated people join politics? and is our politics mature enough?
2. Should we always believe media or often or sometimes or anytime rather?
Let me tell you what I am writing here is not my alone's openion
Its the things I am reading and hearing since past few days
and below is my take on it, you take your's...
My Questions to you what you think?:
What wrong has Tharoor done?
Did he steal anything from Government?
Did he procure a government contract or PSU contract for a third party and in return his girlfriend got shareholding?
Did he ask undue favors towards consortium?
Did IPL grant the Kochi consortium the team because of Tharoor?
What wrong has he done?
(IF) he arranged for financial investors to come together and guided them to Kochi and got shareholding in the team for his efforts, whats wrong? and where is the story of Brazil model Gabriala hidden suddenly!!! ?
Facts(what I believe):
Tharoor hold positions which are higly influential than that of MOS union minister. If he is looking for money, he could have easily done on those days. Sunanda has clearly mentioned that the stake is instead of her salary. So we cannot say that she got stake without any reason.
And it is very much in practice to give share in stead of salary and whats wrong with it?
Do you think this "created" issue cannot be so widely debated without the influential people in media who is modi's "friends" !
At the age of 22, Tharoor was the youngest person in the history of the the Fletcher School to be awarded a doctorate. His doctoral thesis, "Reasons of State", is still required reading in courses on Indian foreign-policy making... And thats why he is our Minister of State for External Affairs of India unlike our most corrupt politiocians..
Let me provide wiki link about him for those who are unaware of his success http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sashi_Tharoor
I really wonder if any media person has the forthrightness to show all the excellent things Tharoor has done since he has been in office.
Modi, on the other hand, has come from a dubious background with the backing of Powarful crooks behind him & it appears that the nexus with the underworld which Powar brokers have always had is still very much there.
I believe that Tharoor has a far better analytic and thinking brain than those of most babus in the Govt.
And That is why only like minded folks will appreciate him while the rest will pick on him for all the absurdities. India needs more people like Tharoor in the Govt and then the speed of India rising will be enhanced. A question to BJP: is too much is being made out of this because we have forgotten about more important issues?
At this time when I am writing, I don't know what will happen to Tharoor and what will Dr. Manmohan decides but certainly I will get my answers to my own hidden agenda(as I have mentioned in first two lines) once this gets decided.
Comments from Others on this...
Finally, I would want to copy+paste some comments about this story from different place as below,
do comment below and I would happy to answer/debate on anything on this with the capacity I know..
"It will be a foolsih thing to do to look at Tharoor's mistake, (which is yet to be proven), in isolation from the whole IPL financial transactions and then proceed to crucify him based on a questionable hypthesis. Tharoor might have committed an error in judgment in his pursuit of love, but we will have to overlook it based on a cost benefit analysis. Tharoor being an icon inspiring many youths in our country is far bigger asset to our politics and our country than the entire IPL."
"He is weel spoken, articulate and deserves special mention. Yes, he is unlike a lot of the politicialns we are used to. But, then India needs a change, and every time we take a step, there comes a controversy"
"Yes, i completely agree. The Kochi Franchise may be wrong with its consortium members, but what about the allegation that Mr. Lalit Modi's relatives having stakes in KXIP and RR. Why not he is not revealing the ownership structurs of those teams? At the end of the day, if it comes to what i think, then the spectators are utter fools, who are geeting miledaway by these dirty things."
"Sashi Tharoor is a great personality. He is never corrupted and cannot be corrupted. He would have backed up IPL Kochi team with the interest of faming Kochi as he is member of parlament from Kerala. Opposition and media has taken him for a ride as he is new to Indian Politics. He will learn how to defend this in future."
Nice quote,his style of new age politics is not digestible for yadavs,however this a fight between D gang patron Pawar and lalit modi to keep their holds and interests,i think 10 janapth holds more grip in BCCI and today or tomorrow these culprits who eats millions from cricket will be-sidelined.
If Tharoor is honest,
1) Why govt. officials (assistant to Tharoor) were present in bid process?? What they were doing there to whom govt. of India pays???
2) Why he called Modi and asked not to reveal names of the stake holders if he is not a stake holder?
I see Bhavin Majithia as Bhavin Tharoor
Shashi Taroor has deviated from the very basic priniple of his job. So he lost his job. He was appointed as Minister of state for foreign affairs and paid for that job and not for IPL or other sports affairs. He should have focussed on his job and concentrated on his work rather than indulging into controversies one after another. Valuable time and money has been wasted discussing his tweets.He may be a vivid fan of cricket and his desire to bring a IPL team to his home state is understandable but there are other ways to do that. He could still be the mentor of IPL Kochi consortium as he said but that should have been carried out in his spare time with the support any trusted friend who should have been directly involved in this bidding process. A silent partner with sweat equity will always raise suspicion and Dr. Taroor is not above that. I strongly beleive Dr. Taroor can bounce back from these controversies if keep th emoral values of politics and life high
I will choose Mr. Tharoor over any other Indian politicians, Peroid!! In My Opinion all Indian Politicians are crooks!! But he is the least of them!!!
Your argument that Sunanda got the share in the team for her work is absolutely bullshit, what kind of work in the world earns you hundreds of crores in a few weeks? Your blog confirms that either you are working for Sashi Tharoor or it strengthens my belief that most educated Indians are actually quite dumb, this sob is a suave and well educated crook, nothing more than that. People like you think that because he is young, he used twitter etc. makes him honest! How stupid can you get! If this happened in Europe or USA, this guy would be going to jail along with his paramour for at least 15-20 years but in corrupt India is going to have even more fun now, just watch out.
If its happens in us he is safe,because he didn't misused his office or earned a single money for himself,for girlfriend ? so walks proud as a minister.age of 54 is too young ....lol
@ALL, Thanks a lot for your time.
@George, I too hope culprits will be-sidelined at least, if not punish, which is too much to ask(in our country)
@nilesh, whats wrong if govt. officials were present in bid process, govt. of India pays them doesn't mean that they are slave to govt and should not do any other thing, everyone have their personal life be it any-one and I don't see anything wrong there. and no.2) Tharoor already told that he did not call Modi to keep this as secret... for a moment, think he did than what is wrong? till now Mr. Modi and everyone said that IPL is our property and BCCI has clause of NOT to declare the names of owners!!! why no body in govt oppose this if its really matter of RTI(Right To Information)
@Anonymous, I like your innovative name but I already told my hidden agenda at the starting of the blog and if I would have written better things about Modi some other Tharoor fan might comment as Bhavin Modi!!!!, and given a choice I like being Bhavin Tharoor then Bhavin Modi on any day... but really thank you for posting comment, I hope I will try to make you happy next time.. watch out for my next blog on Politics :)
@shefi, ohh again salary comes in picture... I don't think Tharoor has joined politics for govt salary, do you? he might be wrong in controversy but then he told what he felt, at least if we do not have liberty on social website then where else? at least he has guts say openly..
@Anonymous No.2, Agree, if he's corrupt then also he is least of all :)
@'Manu', if you think getting share for work is bullshit... then we both need to find out if such things are really exist in practice? and I learn that it is...
With regard to "hundreds of crores in a few weeks?", let me tell you its 70cr and NOT for few weeks, its for full 10-YEARS... FYI.
I am glad ONLY you thinks that I am working for Tharoor, if others started thinking may be they will probe my sweat equity in IPL.. hehehe.
Jokes apart, I am nothing to do with Tharoor and I am die hard fan of BJP thats why if you read my blog AGAIN with searching BJP line, when I had question on BJP I used term "we" for BJP... here it is again for reference... "A question to BJP: is too much is being made out of this because we have forgotten about more important issues?"
neverthless you catch me on one point that I am stupid :)
@George/@Manu, As George rightly said if it happened in US he would have been safe... I just want to add one more thing to it that getting TIPS(To Insure Prompt Service) is not crime in US!! and it is very much expected... If you don't believe me check out this page... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tip_%28gratuity%29
Thank you all once again...
These kind of things happen in India where money & power rule take over anything.So dear Mr Tharoor Please dont give up.Dont get upste over this as India is the place where any "bull shit" can happen.
Bhavin, how credulous can you be! When you say "70cr and NOT for few weeks, its for full 10-YEARS", it makes me laugh as that too works out to be around 7 crores a year, which is very difficult to justify for the "marketing" work done by this women. I think she has been rewarded by a real corrupt politician(albeit good at keeping a fake honest image) for being his secret sexual partner rather than anything else. Otherwise tell me another marketing job in India which pays 70 crore suddenly AFTER 10 years without an MBA and I'll take it. Shashi Tharoor is a big fake, tell me some of his "achievements" which justify him standing for the UN Secretary position? He is also a pseudo-Indian with his fake accent here in US and his marriage of convenience to a white american woman here in order to get green card. He is just another of those young Indians ready to suck the western cock and degrade India/ Hinduism to enhance there career. They are prostitutes of the west.
Moral of the story is "External Affair" - Girl (Women) Friend
If Tharoor wouldn;t have denied renew visa on phone for Modi's Girlfriend, Modi would't have published Tarror;s Girlfriend name.
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