Gurubrahma Guruvishnu Gururdevo Maheshwaraha
Guruhu sakshaat Parambrahman tasmai Shrigurave namaha
it's GuRu Purnima today :)
Sunil Sir, missing you all and the golden moments we've shared together, we would have another fun day...
The Sanskrit root "Gu" means darkness or ignorance.
"Ru" denotes the remover of that darkness.
Therefore one who removes darkness of our ignorance is a Guru.
Only he who removes our ultimate darkness and who inspires and guides us on to the path of God-realization is the true Guru.
We in Student life were also refer to their school teacher or college lecturer as guru.
Coming to above SLOK (or Poem, I forget the exact word what should we call it), the meaning of above SLOK is
"The guru is Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (Shiva), worship to the Guru who is Parabrahman visible." Or let me say at least respect the Gurus who are visible because the second line of the couplet does not literally mean that the Guru becomes Parabrahman - God, rather he is respected as if God is apparent through him.
It’s Srimankar (Sir) who showed the way of god to some of us... and not to forget Viral who paid a slap to for this. (just kidding)...
Another well known slok is..
"Guru Govind donu khade, kisko laagu paay,
Balihari Gurudevaki jinhe Govind diyo bataay".
The Guru and Govind -God, are present before me, to whom shall I bow down first? Glory to the Guru since he showed us Govind
Gurus are often equated with God and always regarded as a link between the individual and the Immortal. Just as the moon shines by reflecting the light of the sun, and glorifies it, all disciples can dazzle like the moon by gaining from their Gurus.
And now what/why/when about Guru Purnima,
The full moon day in the Ashadh (July-August) is the day of Guru Purnima (of course Purnima is full moon day:), a day blessed to the memory of the great sage Vyasa. All Hindus are grateful to this ancient saint who edited the four Vedas, wrote the 18 Puranas, the Mahabharata and the Srimad Bhagavata. Vyasa even taught Dattatreya, who is regarded as the Guru of Gurus. After Vyasa Srimankar Sir, Tiwari Sir, and then later Sunil sir and Sodaha Bhai with Leena mem, Jayen Sir, Yogesh Sir and others taught me :)
Thanks a ton... to you all “I would not have done it without anyone of you”...
My silence will say everything else...
~Your’s Fooly faltu FaithFully Bhavin
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